What Our Clients Are Saying About the Fabulous Treatments We Offer!!

What Our Clients Are Saying About the Fabulous Treatments We Offer!!

Lumecca testimony:

“I used to self-conscious without makeup, but not anymore.  Lumecca has taken away almost all of my freckles, decreased a lot of the redness and has overall given me a smoother, cleaner looking complexion.” 

-Sadie Burt

Morpheus8 testimony:

“Before Morpheus8 I washed my face with shampoo and did not really take care of skin, after the treatment I noticed such a difference in the texture of my skin that I have not only started washing my face but I use a great skin care management system from Jan Marini.  Morpheus not only smoothed out the texture of my skin but contoured my face, and now I look and feel 5 years younger.”
-Amber Smith

Forma testimony:

“Forma is the perfect treatment to get right before you are going on date night with your significant other, it gives you tighter and smoother skin, and helps bring back that glow.  My husband was so pleased with the results that he is scheduled next week to have his forma done.  I would highly recommend this treatment for all my friends.”
– Pleased Customer


“Every night in the shower I would reach for the razor to shave under my arms and would realize there was nothing there, I had one treatment 6 weeks ago and have only had to shave twice.  Looking forward to seeing the results after my next treatment. “
-Hairless and Happy Customer.
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